Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Healthy Relationships...

"Voting is Nice..."

Lets look at the bigger picture here.  What happen to Healthy Relationships?  Has 'dependency-on-technology' created  an unnatural or illusional relationship amongst the human race?  Has 'it' given a new meaning to the word community?  


                          Dear reader, I had a deep conversation with a friend of mines not too long ago from writing this blog.  It seems to be that, we humans do not even find time to communicate with each other like we used to which is essential to every individual existing on this planet.  We do not even 'use' time to have 'Friday-family/ Saturday-family/ Sunday-family' gatherings for dinner anymore.  When I say family, I do also mean friends as well.  I use the word 'use' as oppose to 'finding' time because we all have the same 24 hours in a day.  Without family time can leave an individual open to anything such as a 'wandering-mind'...'successful-mind'...'independent-mind'...'creative-mind'...'lonely-mind'...'depressive-mind'...'killer-mind'...'sneaky-mind'...and so the list goes on.  It has its pros and cons.  
                       We are going to look at the benefits of having Healthy Relationships and from there 'we' can point out the opposite of not having Healthy Relationships.  First lets go to the immediate family such as mothers', fathers', sisters', brothers', cousins' aunts' and uncles', oh yes lets not forget about the grandparents and so the list goes on.  What is more likely to happen in an environment that has everyone present?  'Love' is more likely to happen in an environment like that.  Games and Families laughing, wrestling constant endorphins blowing out of proportions!.hehehe(im really smiling now).  From the old to the new ones in the family, story telling and guess what??? "HAPPY PEOPLE SURROUNDING HEALTHY FOOD MADE BY HAPPY PEOPLE"  As we all know, counseling from one to another can take place and if one family/friend doesn't know, the next family member always knows.  The best of all 'AUTHENTIC HUGS'.  Yes 'reader' in my opinion it does not matter who is in office on any given level.  What matters most is family/ friends having healthy relationships built off of 'pure substance'.  In that energy which doesn't even matter what religion you follow, GOD is present.  A strong family is a force that is very hard to penetrate and break down.  Whence leaving an environment as such, you are more likely to feel like you are on top of the world in every which way because you have something to look forward to.  

(p.s. do not be surprised if I show up at your house often!..lol)

"This is the winter time...stay warm and cuddly...this is the best time to take nice long walks outside and breath."


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