Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What are you doing with your time?

I come across a lot of individuals mentioning that 'their' workout partners become inconsistent, lazy, non-driven & all of the above.  So what is the best way to go about it?  If you ask me, I'm going to say..."teach it to the youth."

The youth will not lie at all.  They are more truthful than anyone else on the planet.  So they follow by what they constantly see and hear and what they are taught by other people who are willing to invest in them.  Being Healthy and into Fitness should not only be just for the person doing it but being an example by leading those that need it most which is the youth.  They ARE the future.  Health is everything when it comes to them because thats what youth is all about.  Having a child do their homework, allowing them to go to the park and the parents/ guardian just sits down is a sign of aging.  "Yes...Get in! & Get involved!"
"One thing I remember was when I was 7 and my mother raced me down the block...yo that was friggin amazing...another time was when my grandmother took my bike away from me and rode it fast across the school playground and I had to catch her...hahaha..my dad, I remember when I had to chase him in the park as well and he was the first one that taught me mixed martial arts...he used to hold me and squeeze me for a half an hour until he was tired..hahah..I could never squeeze out..hahaha."

Those memories keep me alive and going with full of awesome energy.

In my Martial arts class as we say...
"Each one...Teach one!"

"Invest in the YOUTH for they need us..if you're always TIRED..get up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT"

Written by Vaughn Parker

(p.s. the best time to train is outside during the fall and the winter)

on our way to train..picture taken by our mother
older brother Vaughn & younger brother Elijah training for our next race.

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