Monday, September 3, 2012

Understanding Health

Understanding Health and Fitness from a different perspective. 
Picture yourself living in a house like I am about to describe.
  • Absolutely no microwave
  • Absolutely no processed foods of any kind
  • Absolutely no toaster
  • Absolutely no water dam, which means no water system which means no water faucet
(im happy I'm not living in the stone-age)
"Then again I kind of wish i was"
Without those things ofcourse in the total opposite we would have...
  • a stove
  • a refrigerator
  • a water-wale in the yard
  • a farm/ garden
What in the H3ll does this have to do with health and fitness Vaughn?!?!?!

OK! OK! I will explain.
'WE' yes You and I have become lazy.  Modern day living is suitable for every lifestyle there is known to man.  Want proof? Look around and there is your answer.  We have become dependent on modern day technology for letting it do things for us. I will Say #1:Watching your favorite T.V. 'PROGRAMMING' show, waiting for a commercial, running to put the easiest meal in the microwave and running back to sit down..once the beep goes off.."food is done"..we wait for another commercial and run back to get the meal and sit right back down. "Oh how convenient that is, now that is luxury isn't it?" Need I say more?
#2: Getting water form the faucet...NOT KNOWING or having a damn idea of where the water is coming from and what is IN the water before it hits the 'METAL pipes' and then into your mouth.
#3: Going to the supermarket to get food...Do we exactly know where its being grown, what the animals were fed, or 'who' is in control of the farm? NO!!!!

You see so we have been made to become sedentary and dependent on the 'next' person for doing things for 'US'. 

"Now I do not know about you, but I sure don't want the next person lifting weights for me, and competing for me and taking my glory away when I as well as YOU can do it yourself which does require MORE energy. MORE energy means better FOOD! POINT MADE.

Better food and better water will give you the important nutrients your body needs to function.  So just think about the next time you decide to drink water or put food in the microwave. Who is in control of our own health?

Written by Vaughn Parker

(p.s. DETOX)

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