Monday, September 10, 2012

The wrong way...

Sharing an experience...I signed up to run a 5k Saturday, September 8th 2012 @ Central park.  Everyone that signed up showed up as well but there was a problem.  The people that host the race, only one of the members showed up and He was from Texas so already He was not familiar with Central Park. He asked us if we ever ran Central Park and just so happen, none of us did.  (it was a charity race)  So therefore everyone who had their phones googled Central Park to see where we needed to run. We started at 77th street and was suppose to stay in between 59th and 86th st.  We just all ended up laughing trying to figure out who was going to follow who.  In my case I had to beat my time from my last 5k race 3 weeks prior.  So I'm like, I'll just hope to go the right way being that a member said she was going to follow me, "LOL."
As we lined up..."On your mark, get set, go" guy took off as if a pitbull was chasing him, LOL. I ended up pacing myself knowing I was going to bring it home full speed towards the end.  I ended up leading everyone and leaving everyone behind.  So I came to a fork in the road and didn't know which way to go.  I chose a route knowing i was going the right way.  So I'm in the zone now.  15 minutes after the fork in the road I see a sign saying, 'next right is 110th street'...WHAT!!! I WENT THE WRONG FRIGGIN WAY!! I heard my coaches voice in my head..."GET UP!" I turned it up a notch and oh yes the runners high definitely kicked in, not worrying about time, not worrying about anything else in life except for my body being pushed to the LIMIT.  As I'm pulling into the finish line, the guy goes 50 minutes. I go Thankyou Sir and also tell your people thankyou for not showing up because I got a chance to run around the whole park and I learned that I am now Healthier, Faster and feeling GOOD!!! 1 year ago it took me 50 minutes to get around prospect park. This year it took me 26 minutes. Now that I know I can finish a Huge park in 50 minutes without properly prepping for it says that I am on the right path towards Optimum Health.

"for many of us when we think something goes wrong, keep in mind there is always a good side to it"

(nothing is going to stop me now because I am stronger)

(p.s. lets train so we can become strong together)

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