Friday, September 14, 2012

Reality of a flat stomach...

Only a few people that understand the body will share this with you.  
If you have been eating a certain way for some 'odd' years and it's difficult for you to change your diet is because your body is adapted to eating those certain types of foods.  When wanting to change over to eating healthy on a regular basis, your taste buds are like..."WHAT in the H3LL are you laying on my TASTE BUDS?!"

Well most people say I want to get my stomach down. When your stomach is actually the size of your fist or maybe just a bit larger. Actually it is your intestinal tract.  Underneath is a picture of a clean and healthy digestion tract.

'Please take a closer look at the anatomy of the body. Look at how much space the intestinal tract takes up and where it is located.  So yes if your 'midsection' of the body is out more than normal, that could be that the walls of your intestinal tract is filled with layers and layers and layers of fecal matter and it has been stretched.  So it becomes a 'Human camel hump.'  

Take a look at the picture below.
Do you see the difference?
If you have felt any pains, aches, difficulty in bowel movement, etc.  This is where you are headed.

"Eat as closely as organic as possible and move away from meat that is not grassfed and or free range."


Written by Vaughn Parker

(p.s. You should cleanse seasonally)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What are you doing with your time?

I come across a lot of individuals mentioning that 'their' workout partners become inconsistent, lazy, non-driven & all of the above.  So what is the best way to go about it?  If you ask me, I'm going to say..."teach it to the youth."

The youth will not lie at all.  They are more truthful than anyone else on the planet.  So they follow by what they constantly see and hear and what they are taught by other people who are willing to invest in them.  Being Healthy and into Fitness should not only be just for the person doing it but being an example by leading those that need it most which is the youth.  They ARE the future.  Health is everything when it comes to them because thats what youth is all about.  Having a child do their homework, allowing them to go to the park and the parents/ guardian just sits down is a sign of aging.  "Yes...Get in! & Get involved!"
"One thing I remember was when I was 7 and my mother raced me down the block...yo that was friggin amazing...another time was when my grandmother took my bike away from me and rode it fast across the school playground and I had to catch dad, I remember when I had to chase him in the park as well and he was the first one that taught me mixed martial arts...he used to hold me and squeeze me for a half an hour until he was tired..hahah..I could never squeeze out..hahaha."

Those memories keep me alive and going with full of awesome energy.

In my Martial arts class as we say...
"Each one...Teach one!"

"Invest in the YOUTH for they need us..if you're always TIRED..get up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT"

Written by Vaughn Parker

(p.s. the best time to train is outside during the fall and the winter)

on our way to train..picture taken by our mother
older brother Vaughn & younger brother Elijah training for our next race.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The wrong way...

Sharing an experience...I signed up to run a 5k Saturday, September 8th 2012 @ Central park.  Everyone that signed up showed up as well but there was a problem.  The people that host the race, only one of the members showed up and He was from Texas so already He was not familiar with Central Park. He asked us if we ever ran Central Park and just so happen, none of us did.  (it was a charity race)  So therefore everyone who had their phones googled Central Park to see where we needed to run. We started at 77th street and was suppose to stay in between 59th and 86th st.  We just all ended up laughing trying to figure out who was going to follow who.  In my case I had to beat my time from my last 5k race 3 weeks prior.  So I'm like, I'll just hope to go the right way being that a member said she was going to follow me, "LOL."
As we lined up..."On your mark, get set, go" guy took off as if a pitbull was chasing him, LOL. I ended up pacing myself knowing I was going to bring it home full speed towards the end.  I ended up leading everyone and leaving everyone behind.  So I came to a fork in the road and didn't know which way to go.  I chose a route knowing i was going the right way.  So I'm in the zone now.  15 minutes after the fork in the road I see a sign saying, 'next right is 110th street'...WHAT!!! I WENT THE WRONG FRIGGIN WAY!! I heard my coaches voice in my head..."GET UP!" I turned it up a notch and oh yes the runners high definitely kicked in, not worrying about time, not worrying about anything else in life except for my body being pushed to the LIMIT.  As I'm pulling into the finish line, the guy goes 50 minutes. I go Thankyou Sir and also tell your people thankyou for not showing up because I got a chance to run around the whole park and I learned that I am now Healthier, Faster and feeling GOOD!!! 1 year ago it took me 50 minutes to get around prospect park. This year it took me 26 minutes. Now that I know I can finish a Huge park in 50 minutes without properly prepping for it says that I am on the right path towards Optimum Health.

"for many of us when we think something goes wrong, keep in mind there is always a good side to it"

(nothing is going to stop me now because I am stronger)

(p.s. lets train so we can become strong together)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Do you like to waste TIME?

Do you love to WASTE time?  If you do perfect, make it simple and find the person that loves to text all day-throughout the day-which happens to be the same person you walk by and decide to say hello and they don't or can't even say hello right back to you.
 The society we live in is just like 'highway' the sperm has to travel to reach the egg which is the goal.  WE were that sperm out of millions to billions that was released but yet, 'WE' made it. We did not waste a single inch of time because another sperm would have gotten to that egg and we would have been destroyed.

"Can you see where I'm taking this?"

So when you get up in the morning...

"What exactly is on your mind?"


"What exactly is on your mind?"

My response is, If you wake up looking to achieve life at its greatest heights, improve your talents, improve your HEALTH so that you can be 'ABLE' to do the things you need to being that your BODY is the vehicle needed to get to where you have to go...


sadly the sperm that never made it just died because it wasted time, it hesitated, it didn't have enough energy as you did, it was not equipped for the TASK at hand. "SWIM!"

(p.s. change your thinking)

Written by Vaughn Parker

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Which Car are you driving?

Which car are you leaving your house with?
A: Rolls Royce


B: Hooptie

"It doesn't matter because either one will get you from point A to point B, right?"

Driving a car of your desire is just like the body you 'choose' to walk around in.  If you decide to drive a Rolls Royce, you will get a car that is filled with everything you need from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, from side to side.  It is a car you will make sure you have a garage and a cover to put on top when not in use.  The quality of the car will have you believing you are sitting on clouds.  "Am I right?"

As with having a Hooptie...yeah right 'WE' will park that $h!t anywhere, put any type of gas inside, leave it on the street anywhere and drive it like we stole it. 'hahahaha'

So you see the difference. So my question goes,..."How, What & Why did you wake up the way you did this morning?" I believe it has a great effect on your well being. Did you prep yourself to go to bed peacefully as with having a well balanced dinner, some meditation, prayer, a nice hygiene cleaning, reading a book or listening to a c.d., etc.? So that when you wake up you'll have a peace of mind.  Or did you go to bed any ol' way because you were tired or you fell asleep and didn't even know until you woke up the next morning?

"Proper preparation for sleep will allow the body to rebuild itself in such a way where you can work @ optimum for whatever it is you have to do in the following day."

Written by Vaughn Parker
"Which gas did you put in your car this morning?"

(p.s. Sleep is where you burn the most calories..hint hint..body fat)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Understanding Health

Understanding Health and Fitness from a different perspective. 
Picture yourself living in a house like I am about to describe.
  • Absolutely no microwave
  • Absolutely no processed foods of any kind
  • Absolutely no toaster
  • Absolutely no water dam, which means no water system which means no water faucet
(im happy I'm not living in the stone-age)
"Then again I kind of wish i was"
Without those things ofcourse in the total opposite we would have...
  • a stove
  • a refrigerator
  • a water-wale in the yard
  • a farm/ garden
What in the H3ll does this have to do with health and fitness Vaughn?!?!?!

OK! OK! I will explain.
'WE' yes You and I have become lazy.  Modern day living is suitable for every lifestyle there is known to man.  Want proof? Look around and there is your answer.  We have become dependent on modern day technology for letting it do things for us. I will Say #1:Watching your favorite T.V. 'PROGRAMMING' show, waiting for a commercial, running to put the easiest meal in the microwave and running back to sit down..once the beep goes off.."food is done"..we wait for another commercial and run back to get the meal and sit right back down. "Oh how convenient that is, now that is luxury isn't it?" Need I say more?
#2: Getting water form the faucet...NOT KNOWING or having a damn idea of where the water is coming from and what is IN the water before it hits the 'METAL pipes' and then into your mouth.
#3: Going to the supermarket to get food...Do we exactly know where its being grown, what the animals were fed, or 'who' is in control of the farm? NO!!!!

You see so we have been made to become sedentary and dependent on the 'next' person for doing things for 'US'. 

"Now I do not know about you, but I sure don't want the next person lifting weights for me, and competing for me and taking my glory away when I as well as YOU can do it yourself which does require MORE energy. MORE energy means better FOOD! POINT MADE.

Better food and better water will give you the important nutrients your body needs to function.  So just think about the next time you decide to drink water or put food in the microwave. Who is in control of our own health?

Written by Vaughn Parker

(p.s. DETOX)