Saturday, May 4, 2013

Get Knowledge-Wisdom, Most Importantly Understanding-Fasting

Over time, toxins build up in the body as the result of the pollutants in the air we breathe, the chemicals in the food and water we consume, and other means.  Periodically, the body seeks to rid itself of these toxins and releases them from the tissues.  The toxins then enter the bloodstream, causing the body to experience a "low" or "down" cycle. During such a cycle, you may suffer from headaches, diarrhea, or depression.  Fasting is an effective and safe method of helping the body detoxify itself and move through this low cycle with greater speed and fewer symptoms. In fact, fasting is recommended for any illnesses, as it gives the body the rest it needs to recover.  Acute illnesses, colon disorders, allergies, and respiratory diseases are most responsive to fasting, while chronic degenerative diseases are the least responsive.  By relieving the body of the work of digesting foods, fasting permits the system to rid itself of toxins while facilitating healing.
But fasting is helpful not just in times of poor health or during the body's low cycles.  By fasting regularly, you give all of you organs a rest, and thus help reverse the aging process and live a longer healthier life.  During a fast, the following happens.
  • the natural process of toxin excretion continues. while the influx of new toxins is reduced.  This results in a reduction of total body toxicity.
  • the energy usually used for digestion is redirected to immune function, cell growth ("for those who want lean muscle and burn fat") and eliminatory processes.
  • The immune systems workload is greatly reduced, and the digestive tract is spared any inflammation due to allergic reactions to food. (when the belly is not in its natural state, inflammation caused from food or left over fecal matter build-up overtime)
  • Due to a lowering of serum fats that thins the blood, tissue oxygenation is increased and white blood cells are moved more efficiently.
  • Fat-stored chemicals, such as pesticides and drugs, are released.
  • Physical awareness and sensitivity to diet and surroundings are increased.
Due to these effects of fasting, a fast can help you heal with greater speed ; cleanse your liver, kidneys, and blood; help you lose excess weight and water; flush out toxins; clear the eyes and tongue; and cleanse the breath.  It is recommended that you fast atleast 3 days a month. and follow a 10 day fast atleast twice a year. 
Depending on the length of the fast, it accomplishes different things. A three day fast helps the body rid itself of toxins and cleanses the blood.  A five day fast begins the process of healing and rebuilding the immune system.  A ten-day fast can take care of many problems before they arise and help to fight off illness, including the degenerative diseases that have become so common in our chemically polluted environment.

retyped from the book: Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, cnc & James F. alch, M.D.

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