Brother Yao Muhammad
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim
: a room in a prison, jail, etc., where prisoners live or are kept (Merriam-Webster)
: a small room that one person (such as a monk or a nun) lives in (Merriam-Webster)
: any one of the very small parts that together form all living things (Merriam-Webster)
- Somatic (biology), referring to the cells of the body in contrast to the germ line cells (wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)
- Somatic nervous system, the portion of the vertebrate nervous system which regulates voluntary movements of the body (wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)
- Somatics, a group of alternative medicine approaches, experiential movement disciplines, and dance techniques (wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)
- Somatic theory, a model of human social behavior (wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)
- Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes. (merriam webster-Dictionary)
- Relating to or concerned with the influence of the mind on the body, especially with respect to disease. (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
a : the action or process of thinking : cogitation (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
b : serious consideration : regard (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
c archaic : recollection, remembrance (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
a : reasoning power (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
b : the power to imagine : conception (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
: something that is thought: as (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
a : an individual act or product of thinking (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
b : a developed intention or plan <had no thought of leaving home> (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
c : something (as an opinion or belief) in the mind <he spoke his thoughts freely> (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
d : the intellectual product or the organized views and principles of a period, place, group, or individual <contemporary Western thought> (Merriam Webster-Dictionary)
How much power have we as individuals have not yet tapped into? Im sure some of us have experienced some great and wonderful things about ourselves dealing with our Spiritual-Mental-Physical alone that we can’t even find words to express the experiences that we go through.
This letter is dealing with the cells of our body, the seen and the unseen. Obviously we can see our skin, limbs, eyes, and different features of the body which are cells joined together by remote intelligence. Then we have things inside of the body in which we cannot see directly but we can feel them present such as the heart, lungs, stomach, intestinal tract and so on and so forth in which we must give major respect to at all times even when we are eating the wrong mental, spiritual and physical food it still strives to keep us alive and well on this planet called Earth. Those are made up of cells as well.
Then broken down into tiny pieces we have individual cells in which have a specific job to do, again caused by an unseen intelligence before we were even present and alive. The smaller you go, we then need modern day technology to see what is actually living inside of us which are more cells.
As we continue to go smaller...”I am personally asking, have you ever been able to tap into thought or where thought is originated from or when thought begins to process, can you feel it physically move throughout the body? How much control do we as individuals have control over our ‘own-selves’ in today’s world? How much control can we learn to posses over time after Mastering ourselves as time go?
I have written a definition for the word cell above in relation to jail. When someone: cannot function, breaks the rules, causes a disruption, and in result causes chaos or some type of uprise amongst the masses of the other body of people in jail they are separated and placed in a cell alone.
The school system is actually the same way. You have a body of students approximately 20-30 students in a class which are considered “normal”. Then you have another body of students which range from 1 to no more than 10 per class which have teachers to tend to their needs in a different approach because if these students were to be placed in a class ranging from 20-30 students with the “normal” characteristics, it would cause an uprise or chaos. When a student again disrupts or breaks rules, etc., they are sent to detention (placed alone).
If we go backwards starting with the Result then to the Cause.
- chaos or uprise
- action or anything taking place to cause some type of disruption or uprise
- the thoughts taking place in the individuals mind
- the intent
- the origin of that thought
Im comparing the actual Human body composed of cells comprised together and now breaking it down all the way to the smallest of cells located in the body. Origin of thought, the intent carried by thought into the cell of the body which is an action that has an effect on other cells of the body and then you have the result taking place in full action of the whole body itself. Now what is it that we do not see taking place and which one are we giving power to the most. From a Microscopic viewpoint and a large viewpoint. Example:Microscope and a Telescope. One allows you to see the smallest of things and one allows you to see the largest of things.
Let me not lose focus here. My point that I am making, are we as individuals setting our own trap, success and then allowing others in the world to move us by allowing them to place their thoughts in our minds.
Example: A doctor tells someone...”you have 6 months to live and then you’ll die.” All of a sudden that person begins to change the way they see things on a daily basis by changing the way they think and action follows by first a chemical reaction taking place starting with the mind and then all of a sudden the odds happen, that person actually lives longer than what they expected as well as the doctor.
Romans 12:2
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Holy Quran
Oh Prophet You say: Call upon those Gods whom you claim to besides Allah; as they don’t control even a tiny particle’s weight in either heaven or on earth” [34:22]
What can we obtain from this? Are we in jail in our own minds and to society and held mentally captive? Further more, what are our dreams telling us, what are they for if we don’t follow our own dreams, ideas, thoughts, etc.? Are we other than ourselves when we take on things we really don’t want to or act in such a way?
“I’m going to stop right here...To Be Continued”
Bodybuilder @ Work
‘Are your cells working for you or are they locked in a prison by you?’
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